Our Music Lessons offer Grades that can attract UCAS Points
Start thinking about getting extra UNIVERSITY POINTS, not only can you give your child a great musical education while they learn guitar, singing or keyboards but you can help them earn extra UCAS POINTS as they progress through their grades (from Grade 6)
See below for the UCAS points awarded for a given Grade and mark:
Grade 6 25 points 40 points 45 points
Grade 7 40 points 55 points 60 points
Grade 8 55 points 70 points 75 points
UCAS (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service) is a clearing house for applications to almost all full-time undergraduate degree programmes at UK universities and colleges.
What are UCAS Points?
UCAS converts qualifications into points, known as UCAS points, e.g. an A at A Level is worth 120 points, and then added together to give a total that can be used as a requirement to get on to a course.
Which Qualifications Have UCAS Points?
There are a wide variety of qualifications that can be awarded UCAS points. In addition to the traditional qualifications like A and AS levels, points are also awarded for vocational qualifications and graded music exams Which Yamaha Qualifications Have UCAS Points?
Yamaha’s Level 3 Graded Examinations in Music Performance (Grade 6, 7 & 8) carry UCAS points, enabling them to help with entry to university.
Where a candidate has taken more than one exam in one instrument, they can only put forward the exam which gave them the highest number of points. If for example they got a distinction at Grade 7 (60 points) but only a pass at Grade 8 (55 points), they would be allocated the 60 points for the Grade 7. However, where points are awarded for graded exams in different instruments, these can be accumulated, but it would be the decision of the university or college whether or not they choose to accept both sets of points.