Tuesday May 4th 2012: over 800 children from Berrygrove and Orchard primary schools in Watford rocked out to Music Gym’s guitar assembly.
Aaron Wanford Creative and Aesthetic Strategy leader from Berrygrove said “The children were really engaged and learned about the electric guitar. They were all really keen to join in, and it made music fun and creative for them, and something which everyone could take part in. The children and staff were really buzzing afterwards!”
Head teacher of The Orchard primary school Paul Sutton commented “The guitar demonstration was fantastic – the children were inspired and excited about the demonstration from the moment the guitarist started to play. He captivated the whole school whilst engaging all the children in taking part with the songs. We now have half a class of children switching to designing guitars as part of their Design and Technology work – it obviously really connected with them. Thank you for bringing the demonstration to Orchard – hopefully we may see and hear some budding musicians in the future as a result of the demonstration.“
For more information and to book a free taster guitar lesson please go to www.musicgym.internetmusicltd.com or call 01923 523027